Friday, December 01, 2006

F-4 Old Windmill

F-4 Old Windmill

I loved this block! It looks so pretty (maybe because I'm still falling in love with that purple?) and it sits so damn flat! (Trust me, it's been a rare thing for some of my seam-heavy blocks to sit flat) And my points matched up good enough for me.

The reason why I chose to do F-3 and F-4 was because I went looking through my bingo board and noticed that I had a lack of blocks in the middle and North-East part of the quilt. Also, I haven't yet done any blocks from the F or E rows (but I have an E block partially cut out). By the end of this year, I'd at least like one block from every row (A-M and 1-13). I figure this is a more reasonable goal to set myself rather than saying "I want 50 blocks done by December 31st!" As it's the first of December today, I can tell that I have a bit of work ahead, but I'm sure I can achieve it.

The thing with goals, as I've found from many things in my time already, is that you have to be flexible. When I started my Baby Jane on July 1st, I wanted to make 2 blocks each week, with a triangle at every 5 blocks. Then, one day after hitting out 6 blocks, I realised I wasn't into the triangles just yet, none of them were telling me that I was ready enough to attempt them and do them any justice. From my first plan, I should have 44 blocks done by now, with 8 triangles, approaching the 9th (and I said I was going to do it by hand. Ha!) At the moment I have 29 blocks and no triangles, and all done by machine (except the two applique blocks.) But I'm having more fun this way and I'm not disappointing myself. My Baby Jane, despite having a "due date" like any assignment, seems to be working better with an ad-hoc work ethic rather than a strict structure. (Can you tell I do management at uni? LOL) But most of all, I'm enjoying doing it this way, and it gives me freedom to do other things. Though I haven't been tempted to do anything new, as with Jane's quilt every block is "new" or different. There's my ramblings for the day!

I have three more blocks partially cut out, so they should be done soon. Cutting is the part that I'm not too fond of, despite being mum's "cutter" whenever she makes a quilt (rotary-cutter fear, I think.) The blocks go together quickly enough when I'm sewing them, as I use my darling sewing machine to assist me with that!

Mum's Jane: 29/0/0/546

F-3 Snowball

F-3 Snowball

Ok, I don't really know what to say about this one. I've never made snowballs before and I think I got lucky with how I pieced it together. I used the corner triangles (which turned out to be the triangles used in the border!) and trimmed the corners for the triangles in the snowball. I don't think this was what I meant to do, but I was particularly lucky because it somehow worked out. The border triangles are a bit screwed up, but the overall design of the block doesn't need to line up those points perfectly. It only really matters when you can see different colours together (eg. two triangles with touching tips) instead of a seam of the same colour (eg. when from a distance, the same is two pieces of the same colour- you can't see the seam.)

It was a cute, quick block though so I'm guessing I shouldn't complain!

Mum's Jane: 28/0/0/533