Monday, July 17, 2006

C-12 Family Reunion

C-12 Family Reunion Posted by Picasa

Bah, I didn't like this one. The tiny 9-patches were so thick from the seams when they were finished. The whole block still isn't pressing perfectly flat, but I figure it has to sit under my bed, sandwiched between my other blocks, for a long time and this should press it a little more flat. At least my points are matching up- it'll look good from a distance, just not up close. =) PS. Yes, my scanning and cropping skills leave much to be desired.

I've got a few more blocks cut out and waiting their turn patiently- hopefully next weekend I'll knock out more than just 3- mum and dad are going to a dinner dance on Saturday night, I have plenty of time!

Mum's Jane: 8/0/0/135 (I've hit the 100 pieces mark!)

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